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Bhagwadgomandal is the biggest and the most prolific work in Gujarati. Visionary Maharaj Bhagvadsinhji of Gondal gifted the original Bhagwadgomandal to the world after 26 years of scientific and detailed work. This encyclopedic dictionary is a cultural milestone of Gujarati language.
Ratilal Chandaria's Gujaratilexicon Team has digitized Bhagwadgomandal and created its digital avatar. The aim is to showcase the richness of such an indispensable resource for experts and lovers of Gujarati language. It is a treasure of knowledge and every Gujarati's pride. Explore It!
Ratilal Chandaria's Gujaratilexicon Team has digitized Bhagwadgomandal and created its digital avatar. The aim is to showcase the richness of such an indispensable resource for experts and lovers of Gujarati language. It is a treasure of knowledge and every Gujarati's pride. Explore It!
Key Features

Cultural Landmark of Gujarati Language

Comprehensive, Scientific and Rich Treasure Of Knowledge

2.81 Lakh Words, 8.22 Lakh Meanings, 26 Years Of Devotion, 9200 Pages - All At Single Click Now

Indispensable Resource For Everyone

Available In Original Animated and Digital Form on Internet & CD

Fully Unicode & Free